♿ Accessibility solution for hostitality sector

The first inclusive wayfinding app in hotels

Our promise: to guide guests with disabilities, and everyone else, through the hospitality complex, using step-by-step navigation, inside and around your(s) hostel(s).

Let's provide a great experience of all your guests !

Evelity wayfinding app for hostels (1)
Pictogramme accessibilité pour tous
Evelity guide people with disabilities in hotels
App Evelity

01. Increase guest with disabilities experience with Evelity

Disabiliy people in US

02. Accommodate the 25% of people with disabilities (often invisible or temporary)

Travel plateforms

03. Reach more audiences on platforms and fill your rooms

Tourisme label (1)

04. Reconnect with the disability communities.

lotties animation


✅ Increase the user experience and satisfaction for people with disabilities and for everyone. Build loyalty!

✅ Enhance your brand image with inclusion. Stand out!

✅ Offer everyone a digital wayfinding in the native language of your guest. Reduce stress!

Improve your welcome process. Speed up check-ins!

Avoid problems to manage, repetitive questions or dissatisfaction about the orientation, the services and their functioning. Bring more comfort for your teams!

Grow awareness of your non-room services (restaurant, spa and wellness, pool, gym, boutique, bar, VTC service, laundry, locker room, excursions, events etc.). Increase your average basket per guest!

✅ Reduce the costs related to the physical signage and the reception of your guests! 

  Door to door navigation

  Customized routes for all profiles

  Accessible interfaces

  Points of interest and rich content geofencing

  Interactive maps

  14 languages (more to come)

  Free for the user (iOS & Android)

  Administration backoffice

  User statistics

  Unlimited remote support

  Works without internet

  No visual impact (almost invisible beacon)

🚀 We're ready! How about you?

Why invest in Evelity today?


89% of people use their smartphone to facilitate their mobility/orientation in foreign countries or places they don't know.


The indoor geo-localization allows today a sufficient precision for a precise guidance. 


Digital technology makes it possible to personalize courses according to the profile and mobility capacity of each individual.


As a leader in the field of accessibility for 30 years, we are familiar with the issues and users with disabilities.

Take the time to share the information with your colleagues by downloading our booklet!

Enjoy your reading!👀